Washington Overview: A concise monthly analysis of politics and policy
About the author: John Gore is one of Washington’s most experienced government affairs analysts. In the course of his 45-year career he has provided counsel on politics and strategy for a variety of multinational corporations, including BP, Time Warner, the London Stock Exchange, BAES, Goldman Sachs, Kellogg, Royal Caribbean, BHP, Dow, Standard Chartered Bank, Henkel, TNK, and Xstrata. His commentaries from Washington and special topical reports reach over 1500 readers monthly.

“Stage Fright”, an insightful and moving story, full of easy-to-follow advice.
Stage Fright: 15 Rules for Coping with Cancer
An amazing story infused with humor, Stage Fright is a must-read survival guide for anyone who has been touched by the curse of cancer. First diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer in 1998, John Gore gives a fascinating and compelling account of his medical travails—three bouts with advanced cancers and two with potentially fatal heart problems. Along the way, he manages to impart fifteen constructive and powerful rules for dealing with cancer and other “terminal” diagnoses. His practical and inspirational advice delivers a wonderfully positive prognosis.